Kardec’s Genesis leads us with rare insight into a maze of interconnected topics, with an ability to make crystal clear most issues that have puzzled and troubled the humankind for centuries and millennia. This book is so rich and varied in its contents that highlighting its topics is almost impossible. For instance, by “Genesis,” Kardec does not mean exclusively Moses’ famous book, but also various ancient texts dealing with the creation of the world and a cataclysmic demise of the human race. Furthermore, both in Miracles and Predictions, we are presented with facts and phenomena which have come a long way from the realm of superstitions and legends, to reveal themselves as perfectly explainable within the laws of Nature. Add to that some surprising passages, such as a long and truly extraordinary essay by Galileo Galilee which unfolds the secrets of the Cosmos and deep space to the reader, who then is also treated to a complete treatise on obsession – one of the scourges of humankind – and the nature and methods used by obsessing spirits, and we have proof positive of Kardec’s unique approach. Needless to say, it also examines historical and moral facts of Christianity – specially the figure of Jesus himself – with a sharpness of focus that invites everyone to look at these matters afresh, in the light of science and Spiritism.
Kardec’s Genesis leads us with rare insight into a maze of interconnected topics, with an ability to make crystal clear most issues that have puzzled and troubled the humankind for centuries and millennia. This book is so rich and varied in its contents that highlighting its topics is almost impossible….
Categories: Allan Kardec, Author, Books, English, Languages, New Arrivals
Tags: Allan Kardec, Genesis, Kardec, mediumistic phenomena, Mediumship, Spiritism, Spiritist
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Allan Kardec
Allan Kardec