After Death is one of the most important books of classic Spiritist literature. In his poetic prose, a style that we find in his other books, Léon Denis presents a scientific and rational solution regarding the problems of life and death, and of the nature and destiny of the human ego in its successive lives. This book is an able and luminous account of the phenomena and doctrines included under the term “Spiritualism,” their relation to modern science and their influence on conduct. It is therefore not surprising that After Death has been translated into several languages and that it continues to elate people all over the world.
After Death
This amazing work, first published in 1909, is divided into five parts. The first is a discussion of ancient beliefs and the unifying truths that are found in all of them. The second concentrates on the basic concepts of spiritism such as the immortality of the soul, the purpose of life, reincarnation, God, and death. The third section explores deeper spiritist concepts such as fluids and magnetism, spiritual phenomena, nature and science, evolution of the spirit, dangers of Spiritism, and charlatanism. The fourth part discusses related topics to the spiritual world such as errant souls, higher life, inferior spirits, providence, free will, and hell. The last section discusses ethical topics such as moral life, faith, consolation, wealth, poverty, and charity.